BMW R1200GS 2010 CAN xml file creation and questions

After use in real life, I validate the quality of the following information:

  • RPM
  • Speed *** You can refine the conversion to obtain the information of the speedomoter or the real speed (based on a gps)
  • Gear engaged
  • Fuel Level
  • Odometer
  • TPS
  • Turn Signal Left
  • Turn Signal Right
  • High Beam
  • Intake Air Temperature

Misqualified I think :

  • Coolant temperature (Target Id : 14)
    The bike has an air-cooled engine, so it is for me the temperature of the engine oil
    => Engine Oil Temperature (Target ID : 152)
    and I also validate the quality of this information

Doesn’t work:

  • Ambient temp (Target id : 173)
    The value is fixed and represents nothing

Not tested because I don’t have these options :

  • Tire pressure, front (RDC Front)
  • Tire pressure, rear (RDC Rear)

After checking the reference document I think you don’t take the information of the K25 model. I’ve changed the frame address from 0x3A0 to 0x32F

Here is a completed and corrected version :

BMW_R1200GS_K25_CAN.xml (2.0 KB)

I would always like to find the information:

  • Air ambient temperature
  • Trip A and B
  • Battery voltage

Probably a stupid question…
Is it possible to combine CAN and OBD2 information in the same dashboard and at the same time, using a single “OBDLink LX” dongle?

Thank you, this will go along next release.

Yes it is, but not with single adapter. You would need to use your OBDLink device as OBD2 connection and tap another CAN adapter into your CANH and CANL lines.

And you think my Android smartphone will be able to handle the 2 bluetooth connections at the same time?

Another thing that caught my attention in the “Motorrad CAN Bus” document:
0x0660: CAN Response to OBD2 6F1
0x06F1: OBD2-Request
Does this mean that it is possible to query OBD2 data from the CAN bus?
Have you ever seen or used this kind of method?
Thank you for your help

Yes, easily.

06F1 is a special test mode in OBD2:
06 Test results, other component/system monitoring (Test results, oxygen sensor monitoring for CAN only)

Good news! But I don’t really like this solution…

At this point, I’ve still been able to add a good deal of information, including the ambient air temperature :slight_smile:

I added and (almost validated) this :

  • Ambient temperature (C)
  • Heated Grips ( - / HG_Low / HG_High )
  • ESA Preload ( 1:Rider / 1+:Rider+Luggage / 2:Rider & Passenger / - )
  • ESA Damping ( Comf / Norm / Sport / - )
  • ABS Warning (1 before riding / 0 when abs is initialized)
  • ABS OFF (When abs is forced to OFF by rider)
  • Side Stand up/down ( 0 / 1 )
  • Clutch Lever ( 0 / 1 )
  • Brake Lever ( 0 / 1 )
  • Brake Pedal ( 0 / 1 )
  • Kill Switch ( 0 / 1 )
  • ABS Button ( 0 / 1 )
  • Info Button ( - / Short_Press / Long_Press )

Let me know before you publish your new version, and I’ll send you the latest updated xml file.

What I’m still missing :

  • Battery voltage
  • Trip A / Trip B
  • OBC information: Consumption, Average speed, Autonomy, …

I’m also working on my own dedicated R1200GS dashboard.
Being more of an IT guy than a graphic designer, it’s pretty basic at the moment :smiley:

Thank you for your work. Lets hope many BMW Motorrad users find this.

good day. Can you give me a file for download that will make my BMW C650GT friends with Realdash? I have a connector made directly to the CAN bus, there is also a diagnostic port. As I understand it, it is necessary: ​​.xml with initialization commands… all this is difficult for me, I have trouble with English


You know I don’t have an easier time than you with English, I use Deepl to write my posts :wink:

The .xml file I use is available on the Realdash site:

I wonder if you’re not mixing OBD2 and CAN because you’re talking about initialization sequence and from what I understand it’s with the OBD2 protocol.

Using a CAN connection via Bluetooth before even specifying an .xml file, you can try using the CAN MONITOR to see if it connects to your Can BUS. With my bike, I have to use a speed of 500 Kbps with the ISO 15765 protocol.
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, you’ll just have to find the one that works for your vehicle and your connection equipment.

my motorcycle works on the same ISO 15765 protocol on the CAN bus and according to Motorrad BMW R1200GS 2010 has the same protocol. In the RealDash terminal I launched the data stream from the ECU using the ATMA command line, that’s where my knowledge ends. I can’t import my ungenerated file and I can’t import the BMW_R1200GS_K25_CAN.xml file into the program.I can read schematics and twist hardware but programming is a problem for me I am a simple user ELM327 v1.5

OK >ath1
10C 00 00 00 00 16 E7 FF 00

130 00 20 00 00 00 00 47 3A

2A8 FF 9F 00 00 00 00 FF FF

294 F3 5A 00 00 00 00 03 FF

10C 00 00 00 00 16 E7 FF 00

130 00 20 00 00 00 00 47 3A

2A8 FF 9F 00 00 00 00 FF FF

294 F4 5B 00 00 00 00 03 FF

10C 00 00 00 00 16 E7 FF 00

130 00 20 00 00 00 00 47 3A

2A8 FF 9F 00 00 00 00 FF FF

294 F5 5C 00 00 00 00 03 FF


You need to create a new connection:
Source :

  • Adapter (CAN/LIN)
  • OBDLink CAN adapter
  • Bluetooth adapter
  • OBDLink LX


Now click on “CAN MONITOR”.

If you now have a connection, you’re in business and can use my file from the previous screen.
My file doesn’t help with the connection. You must first have a CAN MONITOR connection and then use my file to do the mapping with RealDash.

thank you, I’ll try your way…

Could you share the latest XML file for the upcoming update?

BMW_R1200GS_CAN.xml (5.6 KB)

I connected it-----------Adapter (CAN/LIN)
OBDLink CAN adapter
bluetooth adapter

Now click on “CAN MONITOR”.-----but the monitor says:Timeout connecting :frowning:

It’s probably like my BMW, the CAN information is not in the original diag connector.
That’s why I analyzed my bike’s wiring diagram and used a cable like the one in the photo below to connect the CAN Bus.
This is not a risk-free operation if you don’t know anything about electricity/electronics.

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creating an OBD2 connection in RealDash, I saw data from my connector in the terminal via AT commands, but when creating a CAN-line connection, nothing happens in the terminal. Maybe I need some other settings or download a file? I don’t know the sequence of actions…I successfully used Motoscan at this connection point to display parameters - speed, revolutions, ABS parameters, actuator control, but this is more of a road diagnostics, this is an absolutely working connection, but I can’t make friends with RealDash. I need a digital speedometer because I have age-related farsightedness, so I was puzzled by RealDash