Found bug in aem v2

No, I’m sorry. I know that I promised to send you a test version but just did not find time to do it :frowning:

Hi ok well if you can send sometime?, I’ll be putting the car away for winter in a months.



Any updates? did you implement anything with the V2?


I have a faint memory that we did something for those erroneous values. Its too long ago, please give latest version a go and report any problems.

Hi I confirm I tested with latest version none of the values are fixed :frowning:

I raised this to my todo list. We may miss the next release though.

When I compare the implementation to the documentation you attached above, it is 100% 1:1.

There is 19 data bytes on the stream coming from the ECU. I need detailed info on each non-working value. Example:

  • RPM: shows 1000 should be 2000
  • TPS: shows 1 should be 10

Hi yes did you get my email? I sent a lengthy email on the details.

In summary fix wise rpm is now reading correctly and battery but that’s it these were fixed 3 versions ago.


Well, you have to help me again to get back on track of what are the issues. Please try to be as precise as possible of the values that are wrong, explaining not only “does not work”, but give more details; what is the value you see, what it should be. List all values that are wrong.

Ok I’ll resend the email and add some more details.


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Also, if you encounter a value that just shows 0, try to edit the text gauge to show more decimals as it may have wrong scaling and show very small value.