Gauge math long formula display issue

when i enter very long formula in gauge math I can’t go back to the beginning of the formula, the text won’t scroll to the left (where i try to move cursor to). my formula is about 52 chars long but the text scroll back 45 chars and then stop (cursor is able to continue to move) please fix realdash v 2.4.3 windows 10 this also occur in realdash android.

Yeah that’s been an ongoing thing that no one has brought up till now. Temporarily id recommend keeping any gauge math and text in the text document for backup. That way you can easily edit them and then just copy and paste.

is that the case. it’s just troublesome to quick check or reedit the formula, not that unmanageable.

Definitely a feature request we need. You run into the same issue with editing text. Especially on Android where you can’t even click back. So if there’s a typo or you forgot something you have to backspace, are what was missing, and retype what you deleted.

That’s why I recommend rn to keep it also in a text document or something accessible to the device so you can copy and paste it which is a lot easier for you to do edits.

yes thank you for recommendation. I only edit on windows only it’s impossible to edit on phone or tablet, just too difficult for me. anyway to tell the truth i’m not that good with the math myself and the formula for the engine calculation is quite complex thus make it so long and of course i need to test it correctness somewhere else b4 I put it to work. just want to make sure I don’t make some typo when i put it in. that’s all.

can you post the formula?

=v*(1.093 + (0.0903774*((v*85.86041767/(id37+0.02))-0.4)))

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