Hi… love your software’s look and i am trying to create a dash for my toyota 4 runner 2005.
I have a rasberry pi4 and a 7" screen connected. I am good to go.
I followed the instructions to install the deb file using gdebi installer. It gives me “error dependency is not satisfiabke libssl3”
I am new to linux and i am struggling. Do you have any instructions I can follow?
I would like to connect directly to the vehicles computer. I still havent figured that out. If there is help there too.
That error is from older version of RealDash. Fortunately you can see that RealDash still works even if you get that error. Just run it from ‘Graphics->RealDash’ or type realdash in terminal.
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I havent been able to install it due to the error… not showing up in graphics option.
Try this instructuon from:
Linux version - General / General RealDash discussion - RealDash Forum
Replace 1.1 with 3:
If you get errors about libssl3 dependency, try:
sudo apt --fix-broken install
sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends=libssl3 [installation package file]
you can install it from .deb file as well.
I saw this and put in the instructions. I didn’t get the result. I am thinking of installing android on raspberry pi thru an install are called emteria. I understand the android better. The only thing now is I want to connect the car direct and use the raspberry pi as the dash with real dash installed. I don’t want to use the Bluetooth obd device. I have a Toyota 4 runner 2005
Do you know any way I can install android on a usb stick and boot up my raspberry pi?
You can use the ‘Raspberry Pi Imager’ app to change the boot order on your RPi device. On ‘Choose OS’ button, select ‘Misc Utility images’ then your Raspi model. Then you have the options to change the boot order of the device.