Trip A/B : runtime Operating conditions

The travel execution time (calculated) was texted, but the value did not increase.
Do I need a trigger or action to work?

In the case of the vehicle, it is Kia’s hybrid vehicle.

No trip A and B are calculated values if you are using OBD2. Meaning they should automatically start calculating once the engine is on, etc.

I am using CAN data without OBD. In this case, should I enter RPM data only or engine run data together?

Only input required for trip/odometers to work is vehicle speed. That can come from vehicle ECU or from GPS. You can change the speed source in ‘Settings->Units & Values’.

ECU vehicle speed was set and used through can data, but it does not work in the case of trip time.

I’ll test it with OBD only

trip time should be based off engine running i think or something like RPM which shows the engine is running. Double check that you are getting engine run time if you can.

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