Thank u for trying thought… i like this form so far ppl r very helpful and informative have lernd few things so far aswell
We use these “seeedstudio style” CAN adapters daily on testing and they generally work very well for us. I’d recommend dropping the default baud rate though for more reliable comms, as explained here:
Was trying this one befor the usb part broke and was having trouble reading the can bus nothing was cuming up and every time i truyed to change the bandwidth it wasnt letting me just kepet on the one blink setting not sure what i was doing wrong . When i got the robotell it fired up and read right away so not sure what i was doing wrong im waiting on a nother one to cum from Amazon amd gess will try again . Just was hoping to use the robotell as it seems to be reading it
Is there n e chance u could do a little vidoe on the set up im having trouble switching bandwidth just keepes staying on the 1 flash for the setting
Ok so managed to get the settings for the seeedstudio to go to 2 flash . Now when i have hooked up to the car side i have can hi and can low hooked up do i need to hook up the ground? Also do i leave the resistor in or take out sorry for all the questions
Ok so i got the seeedstudio adapter working now wjat do i need todo for u to make a xlm file
Now we have two options:
- Try to find a DBC file for 2007 Dodge Charger. The DBC file can be converted to RealDash XML. If you find the DBC, send it to me and I can help you to make the XML file.
- If DBC (or other CAN info about the vehicle) is not available, you would need to analyse the data in CAN monitor in order to figure out how certain info like RPM etc are packed into the CAN frames. This is doable, but can be very slow and tedious process.
Ok thank you for ur help so far is a lil tricky to get done so far i have gotten the easy ones but need a lil help woth the rpm amd how to read i habe made few data logs if u cold possible help me out would be great
Still looking for help to make a xlm file if n e one cam assist
Got a few more added
Not sure if im copingthe rigjt information
Still looking cor some help on this if n e one can
Its very difficult to make you an CAN description file remotely. I think your best bet is to find someone local who understands vehicle CAN and has couple of days to spend with you analysing the CAN messages from your vehicle.
Another option is that you find a DBC file (or something) that describes the CAN messages of your vehicle to use as a starting point for CAN stream analysis.
Ok i get what ur saying … but am i even coping the rigjt numbers ? And also was asking if cold make a starter file with what i have allready and i can go from there .
I need more info than screenshots to make a starter file for you.
1st set or 2nd ? Or both
Sorry for all the questions im just having a bit of a difficult time figuring out