2007 dodge charger rt canbus xlm helpppp please

Thank u for trying thought… i like this form so far ppl r very helpful and informative have lernd few things so far aswell

We use these “seeedstudio style” CAN adapters daily on testing and they generally work very well for us. I’d recommend dropping the default baud rate though for more reliable comms, as explained here:

RealDash | Manuals | Supported CAN/LIN Adapters

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Was trying this one befor the usb part broke and was having trouble reading the can bus nothing was cuming up and every time i truyed to change the bandwidth it wasnt letting me just kepet on the one blink setting not sure what i was doing wrong . When i got the robotell it fired up and read right away so not sure what i was doing wrong im waiting on a nother one to cum from Amazon amd gess will try again . Just was hoping to use the robotell as it seems to be reading it