Hello, I have a vehicle powered by hydrated Ethanol, in some countries it is called E100, could the Ethanol option be added in the fuel settings of the tank? thank you
Sure, I’ll add it.
Hello i have same issue with Link Xtreme g4+ Ecu
and i have problem also with the fuel pressure not showing on the dash
and oil pressure working from channel simulated not value from ecu
Assuming you are connected over CAN?
First thing to try is the Debug Data View to verify all data that is actually coming in from your ECU. Go to ‘Settings->Application->Debug->Debug Data View’.
Yes iam using can conection
I didnt viewed the debug but i was useing 3 deferent dashs before was working by default
AEM cd-7
Power tune digital
So i dont think the channel not configured from the ecu
Do you have any ideas
Thank you
Please use the debug data view to confirm that RealDash is reading the data.
I have 2 photos for the ecu and the dadh but i cant send them here how can you send them to you
You are able to upload the photos to the forum. If you’re on mobile with the app, it’s at the bottom right after you click to reply.
It gives me this erorr while posting
An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post
thats what in the photo becouse i cant send it anyway
this is the debug from the app
Link ECU: AN Limit active: 0.0
Link ECU: AN Volt1: 0.0
Link ECU: AN Volt10: 0.0
Link ECU: AN Volt11: 39.8
Link ECU: AN Volt2: 6.4 Link
ECU: AN Volt3: 50.6
Link ECU: AN Volt4: 0.0
Link ECU: AN Volt5: 34.4
Link ECU: AN Volt6: 8.1
Link ECU: AN Volt7: 39.2
Link ECU: AN Volt8: 4.4
Link ECU: AN Volt9: 8.8
Link ECU: Altitude: -400.0
Link ECU: Cam Inlet LH Posn: 0.0
Link ECU: Cam Inlet RH Posn: 0.0
Link ECU: DI 3 Speed: 0.0
Link ECU: DI 4 Speed: 0.0
Link ECU: DI 5 Speed: 0.0
Link ECU: DI 6 Speed: 0.0
and from my ecu
an5 fuel pressure
an11 oil pressure
di4 Ethanol percentage
I’m assuming you are using a custom XML file for CAN connection? As there are many values listed that we do not have on our Link ECU CAN XML file.
Please upload your custom CAN XML file.
After alot of trying last night i made the fuel pressure and the oil pressure
Now i only missing how to add the ethanol percentage the ethanol sensor di input 4 at the ecu
And this channel is giving 0 from the debug
How can i find the xml file
If you don’t know, you probably do not have one. What CAN adapter you are using for the connection?
Cable from the ecu to the dash usb
So its not a CAN connection, its a direct USB with Link ECU connection type. Are you using Short or Long datastream?
On long datastream, the DI4 is mapped to custom input ‘Link ECU: DI 4 Speed’. On some documentation DI3-6 are said to be speed values. I know that they are general purpose, but thats how they are mapped from the datastream.
Link (and we) recommend using CAN connection instead of direct USB. They are no longer supporting the direct USB connection on newer models, and CAN will also give you pretty much unlimited options for configuring the data outputted by the ECU.
How could i know ?? From the Ecu can setup ?
So there is no way to chabge di4 from speed for its orignal signal by using the can cabel conect ?
You mean ‘direct USB’ connection, not CAN.
The stream that comes from Link over direct USB is not configurable. CAN connection would be configurable from the ECU software.
Even that RealDash has a name for DI4 as Speed, you should still see the value of DI4 on Debug Data View. Why it is 0, I do not know. Also, to my understanding, Ethanol content sensor would require an analog input for the ECU. But I’m not an expert on Link ECU.
At my link xtream there is socket like the tune socket name can 2 channel if i switshed ti this cable may if fixed ?
No, it has no effect. There is two ways to connect to Link ECUs:
- Direct USB connection between ECU and RealDash.
- CAN connection using one of the supported CAN adapters:
RealDash | Manuals | Supported CAN/LIN Adapters
You are currently connected with method 1. That is a static, Link ECU specific datastream which cannot be configured other than selecting short/long datastream.
Any CAN settings of your ECU has only effect when connected with method 2.