AEM EV (VCU200, 300)

Throwing my hat in the thing here, i’m wondering if the vcu lineup is significantly different from their other offerings in terms of CAN.

that said, they heavily advertise their system as being extremely CAN forward so if anything it should have more tools to interface with

They probably have the CAN specs somewhere on their web site so you can take a look if it differs a lot from what RealDash already has for AEM.

I believe this document has all the necessary info, could I copy paste this and do some table manipulation to arrive at an xml Realdash could use?

Also this, which is in the documentation for the motor control board but not the main doc

Whoa, 13 pages of CAN data :face_with_monocle:. I will try to make a XML from it whenever I find couple of hours to do so

Oh no, no need, I was going to do that, I just wanted to confirm that was enough info to make an xml with

Although if it’s any consolation, most of those entries are not relevant since they’re only for the vcu300 (says vcu300 on the far right) when most people use the vcu200 which has fewer features

If AEM has DBC file available, you could try this DBC to XML converter to get started faster:

DBC to RealDash CAN XML Converter (WIP) - General / General RealDash discussion - RealDash Forum