Is it possible to forward the logs wirelessly to my phone to check the data on RealDash?
So: '91 Honda NSX (NO OBD!) → AEM Infinity → wireless transmitter → Android → Realdash app.
The reason i’m asking about this because I have a pretty rare car and I don’t want to drill the interior or use additional cables at the end. I just want to check the temps when I go to a track (Like monthly 1 time). So for me it would be pointless to install gauges or additional tablets and cables.
Thank you!
We would need to know what that wireless module is and how it works?
that would be my question? Is there even a wireless module anywhere on the market to use it
is that a thing?
I don’t know if AEM offers any wireless solutions. One option is serial to WiFi adapter. That would allow RealDash to connect to your AEM wirelessly, but how to transfer AEM internal log files to RealDash, I have no clue.
Maybe turn a cab 2 usb dongle into wireless since it has can high low and USB on the other end.
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okay so the idea is:
So what anyone thinks? Would be this possible?
yep came up with an idea and have a script translate the traffic from AEM.
thanks! hope it will work
I don’t know if I’m missing somehting, but AEM Inifinity ECU CAN output is directly supported by RealDash using any of the supported CAN adapters. Do not understand why Arduino ‘translator’ would be needed.
Turned out to be the easiest solution is “WiCAN-USB” !!!
“WiCAN-USB can also be used as a USB-to-CAN adapter when Wi-Fi connectivity is not available or when a hardwired connection is needed.”
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Of course It’s not at easy.
So have the WiCAN USB, connected to my PC.
Connect to WiCAN via WiFi:
- Go to configuration webpage.
- Select the baudrate
- Set “Port Type” = TCP
- Set “Protocol” = reladash 66
- Click submit changes.
Setup: 431331966-1439197090026688-7048189878485396969-n hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
I’ve done the same on Realdash:
(My wifi is connected still to the WiCAN-USB)
- Go to garage then click on the dashboard.
- Click Add connection.
- Select Adapter (CAN/LIN) Today called (Adapters (CAN)
- Select RealDash CAN
- Select WIFI/LAN
- Enter IP and Port 35000
- Click Done
after it’s done: 431295673-376676382003068-4402050337829594629-n hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
AEM infinity config: Capture-AEM hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
and it gets in a loop, connecting …connecting … And the green light comes up, and goes out on the WiCAN-USB so there is somekind of communciation for sure.
(When I try to send data on CAN while the led is green: Capture2 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB )
Any ideas? At least to which side should I start from. Realdash or WiCAN-USB ?Or there will be no connection until it’s connected to ECU? on PC you can’t even make it to connect to realdash?
First thing that comes to mind is that when there is no CAN traffic, RealDash just waits for the traffic for couple of seconds and then attempts to reconnect.