Android Auto compatibility

I would be awesome if there were a way to make the app compatible with android auto.
I’ve ordered an ‘eyeride’ which allows you to project any AA compatible app onto a Heads Up Display while riding a motorcycle. Next step I’d like to eliminate the factory gauges and have multiple gauge layouts via Real Dash that I can view in the HUD depending on riding situation.
In addition to this use case it would be awesome to be able to use real-dash to send additional gauges and have them displayed on my radio screen while driving in my truck.
Any chance you’ll consider and Android Auto feature?

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Interesting! I subscribed to the topic! I read! :nerd:

Last time I checked that Android Auto had such a severe limitations for the apps that it made AA support impossible. I’m not sure if situation has changed, but previously they did not allow apps that update entire screen in real time, but you had to use a predefined set of components like contacts, music player, navigation, etc.

They allow mapping apps, which update the whole screen as you travel and change direction - is that not similar? Clearly to prevent too much distraction it would have to be a ‘slim’ version of the regular app display. You wouldn’t want someone trying to configure or edit the gauges on the auto display - like a ‘view only’ mode.

Maybe something like this that requires some special setup if the play store doesn’t approve.

One of the allowed Android Auto app style is navigation, but I believe its screen refresh rate is limited to 10hz or something like that so it just would not work well with real time gauge displays.

Did you check out those links - looks like there is a dev mode in AA that can be used to bypass the screen refresh rules, but the ‘special’ version of the app would have to be distributed outside of google’s play store.
Do you know if there is a forum where issues like this (and alternate use cases) can be sent back to google and the android auto team? Not sure they anticipated HUD’s and guage info as a use case when they developed the framework and guidance.

For sure, everything can be made to work but we have to consider the resource usage versus the gains. The implementation itself is not a big problem, biggest problem for us is that it would be yet another version of RealDash that we need to update, test, build, distribute etc and that adds a lot of work. Right now we are not able to do that as we already have about a dozen different versions to keep up.

Thanks for the straight answer. I can certainly understand prioritizing your efforts to have the biggest impact. If I run into anyone else wanting this feature I’ll direct them here so that you can keep track of how many people are looking for this.