Android error: Pico TTS keeps stopping

I am using text to speech to speak a warning, and when that occurs I get an error pop up saying pico TTS keeps stopping. I did not have this issue on my old deck so it must be something with my new one. It appears to be android 8.1.0 debug build.

I can try to run it on debugger if I’ll find something.

What is the pico tts package you are using on Android? There is so many in Play store and most of them smell fishy.

I thought that was something you were using internally, it does not appear in my app list.

Android version uses Google TTS, or any installed and activated TTS system. Samsung has their own for example.

I didn’t even have one installed. I’m installing the google one and we’ll see if that works any better than whatever is lurking in my system.

Another question: any particular reason RealDash doesn’t support split-screen on android? I installed a large tablet and would like to split sometimes.

Because RealDash UI does not scale and will break.