Anyone know if RealDash is supported before I setup a new sbc? Having too many issues with Ubuntu and windows is a little too slow. Running a latte panda delta 3 on the intel x86 chipset. Not a whole lot of compatibility without a turn of work.
I do not have any experience with that SBC. I think your only option is to try either Linux install packages from My RealDash, or Android. Our Android packages contain executables for x86.
How did you get the Seeed can analyzer to read in Ubuntu?I have the drivers downloaded, and I set the baud rate in windows using the software. It works for the windows version of RD, but on Ubuntu it doesn’t send any or receive data.
Has been a while since I tested that adapter on Linux. Will run some tests.
I was able to get it to connect by allowing permissions to the usb.
Brltty was also needed to be uninstalled.
sudo usermod -aG plugdev $USER
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
For any other users.
After I downloaded the CH341 driver, there were a couple of edits to make in the .ko file. They are listed on the github site. You could also download the raw file with the new updates. Line 566 was the big issue.
$ make clean
$ make
$ sudo make load
$ sudo make unload
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I am still having an issue with fullscreen.
Not really sure what the issue is. I enable it and whenever i close the app it reverts back to windowed fullscreen.
Ill play around with it, but if someone already has a solution that would be nice.
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