Android USB enumeration

When I connect a USB can analyzer and an arduino over USB, both of them show up as USB Serial. Is there a way to add some sort of differentiation on them?

Not a simple thing. Name of the devices come from the OS. Some devices have unique ID, but unfortunately many Chinese USB devices just use the same ID.

Would it be possible to append the path of the device after the name?

You are assuming it has a path. On Linux, yes, others there is no such information available of the USB device.

That can make sense in android now that I think about it, as the OS would likely obscure many things of the hardware to applications.

Having some sort of difference would be nice.

I understand that. In one project we had 3 identical CAN adapters connected on same device. All had the same name, and to make matters worse, all had same USB device serial number. So there was absolutely no way of telling those devices apart. Eventually we were forced to use 3 different types of CAN adapters in order to identify which was which.