BAR static text constantly changing to PSI

So I have various units to use in RealDash, some are in PSI and some are in BAR. Whenever I put a static text that says BAR, it automatically changes to PSI due to the settings. However I want this value in BAR, is there any way to force it to stay as BAR?

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I have encountered this same problem on some custom dashboards. Let me see if I can make an option to disable the automatic settings based update of the text.

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Same issue for me, was thinking i was crazy. Any update.

just don’t use “Units” in your XML-file. that’s all the solution to the problem. )))

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There is an option in latest version:

  • Go to edit mode and select your text gauge
  • Go to Look’n Feel->Font & Text->Formatting
  • On button “Automatic Units Title” tap to NONE.
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I tried that, it did nothing.

Show me your xml (can partialy)

No need, the devs have fixed it.