Blackhole of Khadas VIM

I started my dashboard project because i loved how realdash works then started to gather information on how to go about building one for myself, lots of people recommended khadas as its powerful, fast, great support (nearly zero support for me) and blabla so i bought one and got myself a nice chinese display, arduino mega and started on the quest.

everything between Arduino and realdash work (well almost, as im lacking on receiving messages back to Arduino part and could not figure how to do it yet), khadas runs real good when everything is on and i cannot complain about anything but the issue comes in when i switch the car off, i tried some steps people suggested as deepsleep via echo mem command and upto my surprise it turns itself back on after sometime (found out the hard way, dead battery)
then some other tricks to make it sleep via button press (arduino pulsing it) but that has a different issue where sometimes it goes out of sync and on is off and off is on… plus it also comes out of sleep after a random amount of time.

so here i am asking you gurus, has anyone used khadas vim in their car project and are genuinely happy? is it working for you like 100% ? do you have any pointers for me ?
does anyone have a better suggestion for a board that my arduino can put it into sleep/awake state easier ?

I just want my bloody dash to finish so i can 3d print and drive my car :cry:

I’ve also hit essentially the same thing and I’ve moved over to an odroid n2 for my SBC, mainly because I was having resolution issues with the vim3 that I couldn’t get worked out. Odroid n2 if your running android has an application that seems to work really well for GPIO shutdown and turning it back on. I still have to do some more testing, but so far it’s good.

Thanks for your reply.
Does odroid n2 run realdash well and with no lag ? vim3l runs it amazingly but i heard some sbcs do lag and what sort of cold-boot time are you getting out of it ? as well as if you put it into sleep mode and then turn it back on what sort of delays are you getting until realdash is up and running again ?

On android it works really well. As for on Odroid’s Ubuntu, there are some issue with the hardware acceleration that makes it a bit buggy but works fine in other build of Linux that has the hardware acceleration working.

Cold boot is about 20-30 seconds, which is about on par with the vim. I haven’t quite worked out the sleep time yet, as I’m still trying to get the correct OS and screen resolution to work together. I’ve got android working at the resolution I need of 1280x390, but I’m having issues of it blanking the screen out unless I turn the screen off and back on.

I do want sleep/suspend to work and will measure power consumption for that, however that is a bit of a lower priority as I will likely be using unlock or door open to start the power up of the SBC.

I have tried so many schemes related to this with the VIM3. Like you, mine works great when it is awake. Sleep it horrible. Well, rather the random wakeups. I have an external Arduino board that looks for the VIM3 to wake up, and send it another sleep pulse. It works, but it is messy, and it also keeps waking of the Arduino, which also consumes power. Overall, I am quite unhappy with the VIM3 in Android mode.

For this reason, I am really wanting to see RD evolve down the Linux path, as there is a possibility down the line to gain a fast boot, which makes it practical to shut the whole system down cold, and bring it up within a few seconds. This opens the possibility of booting the system when you open the car door, and have it fully up when you turn the key. This seems much more practical to me than struggling with the Android setup(s).

I, too, purchased an Ordroid N2, but I have not worked with it at all, yet.

The issue that caused me to abandon the vim3 was not being able to get the screen resolution working properly. I did figure out how to do it on the odroid and I think it works on uboot also so I might revisit the vim3 with Ubuntu soon.

However it’s nice that odroid works off 12v.