Boost/vacuum, serial port question and more

First issue is that my mechanical boost/ vacuum gauge reads properly from -25 to +15psi, yet RD will only read -10 to +11psi so I’m curious where I adjust this parameter.

Second issue is I’m running a Hondata KPro V4 in my car and LONG story but the Android stereo I’ve installed refuses to connect to the Bluetooth from the KPro due to a bluetooth stack issue that the stereo developer has locked in order to force buying their Bluetooth dongle. Problem is the car is a 91 MR2 which had no OBDII port and trying to wire an OBDII port directly to the KPro hasn’t given me any success. In turn I tried connecting the KPro via a USB cord to one of the USB ports in the stereo, RD asks for a baud rate but even after trying all baud rate settings, it still won’t connect.

Third issue is my car’s a 5spd, I’ve set gear ratios for 6th as 0.00 yet RD will try show me in 6th on the freeway.

Lastly as this just popped into my head but can I adjust the screen size of the entire app itself while in portrait mode? My stereo is installed in portrait mode, it allows me to run dual apps (I wanna run Waze on top and RD on the bottom for example) but the stereo refuses since RD wants the whole screen even though it’s still only showing the same size image as if it was in portrait mode. I can run Waze and Hondata app (besides it not connecting) at the same time during split screen, but no go with RD.

Just checked the Hondata code and there is no conversion to the vacuum/boost data that comes from device and value is displayed ‘as-is’. Not sure what would cause the difference of what ECU sees vs your mechanical gauge.

I believe Hondata USB protocol is different and is not public, so Hondata devices cannot be connected to RealDash with USB.

The display of 6th gear is odd, never encountered that. Have you also set gear 7 and 8 to 0?

Yes, the Android version of RealDash is locked to use landscape and fullscreen, as UI does not work on portrait mode. This is the reason we have locked the multiwindow feature also. We hope someday to get the UI reasonably sorted for portrait mode to enable this in the future.