Button to grab / store a value

Hi, just really getting started with RealDash and looking for a bit of help if possible. For background I am using the software in an offroad race car. We don’t race on tracks so the Laptimer function is of little use to me however I would like to use the an action to save the last trip time, or stopwatch time before it is reset. So on the screen it would have another text value that gets the triptime recorded when the reset button is pressed. I don’t mind if the value does not save on power down. I would also use a similar function to record the distance and max speed during this time.

Any help on how to save a value to a text value on pressing a button would be gratefully received.



There is a multitude of ways to accomplish this. At least 2 comes to mind immediately:

  1. Experiment with ‘Stopwatch’ (Add Gauge->Date & Time->Stopwatch) gauge. It can be started/stopped by tapping the gauge, or by using triggers and actions.
  2. A dummy timer value can be used and formatted to show proper time. Dummy timers can also be set/reset with triggers and actions.