CAN Monitor access

Is there a way under Windows or Android to expand the CAN Monitor, or even run it outside of the tool? Its a bit frustrating to have to go back to the Connection Settings every time.

The onboard CAN Monitor is actually quiet helpful, is there no way to make it fullscreen, and being able to check for particular changing bits and stuff?

It should color code the changing bytes?

Good Morning :slight_smile:

It already does change colors from green to white, thats enough for me personally.

What would be a nice addition is being able to „mute“ particular busy ID‘s, and maybe as well isolate a particular ID to check for changes in bytes more granularly.

Just an Idea. I saw how versatile savvycan is and it blew my mind :slight_smile:

have a wonderful day

Try to enter the ID into ‘Filter’ edit box.

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