Can realdash shut the screen down when connection lost?

So i have seen that it can shut itself down when it loses connection. But i would like it to shut down just the screen and keep running. When losing connection with maxxecu in my case. And when i turn the key and it has connection again i would like it to snap back on.

Is that possible? Can an app make the screen go black in android?

For context, I have a phone built in my old Volvo for some extra stats on how everything is running.

No, there is no such option. Mainly because RD would use quite a lot of battery while running constantly behind the lock screen.

It does? Enough to drain a car battery in a couple of weeks or not that much?

Thanks for your reply.

Hard to say exactly how much, do considerable amount anyways.

I understand. Ill do some testing. Do you know if technically its possible? For an app to make the screen go black i mean?

Because i would really like it as a feature and i think more people would be happy with that. It just saves the whole startup procedure every time you get in the car.

So, just to make it clear, you would like RealDash to lock the screen when connection is lost, stay in background waiting for connections, and when new connection is established, unlock the screen automatically?

I suppose this could be done, but I already see some problems. Biggest one is with OBD2 connection type. Most vehicles actually power the OBD2 port even when vehicle is switched off and locked. This would mean that RealDash would constantly connect the adapter, which in part will send some messages to the vehicle BUS- probably keeping it awake and never go to sleep state. This would really kill your car’s battery very quick.

Another problem I see is the latest Android security ‘improvements’, which may cause difficulties to open the lock screen automatically. Have not experimented with that though.

Thanks again for your your reply, yeah like you describe it would work great for me but maybe not for others i understand. But as an option for people that have a setup like myself it would be great. Maybe with a little asterisk attached describing the possible problem when attached to a obd2 port?

@Eduards sharing my setup in case this helps.

I have RealDash on an Android device with the following Settings>Application enabled:

• Automatic Bluetooth Enable / Disable
• Keep Screen On
• Shutdown on Charging Events

When the ignition is switched off and charging stops, RealDash closes down.

With RealDash closed, after the timeout the screen goes off.

I have AutomateIt Pro installed on the device and with the screen off event it disconnects Bluetooth and WiFi (disconnects from my iPhone hotspot ) to conserve power, stopping any notifications or updates etc., if you had a data SIM in the device you could also switch into Flight mode or equivalent

When the ignition starts and charging starts, AutomateIt Pro reconnects WiFi and starts the RealDash application.

RealDash restores its own Bluetooth connections and keeps the screen on until charging stops again.

The Android device lasts for several days unused in this conservative mode.

Thanks mmain for that write up! Its not really what i need because i want it to stay charging constantly and it connects via usb. It will keep its charge for a couple of days but in my case its usually a couple of weeks between when i use the car. But that app makes me want to see what else is out there. Im more of an iphone guy nowadays but i do like the fiddle around with that stuff. So thanks for the inspiration.

ther is an option shutdown when usb detashed so you can if your connection trouth usb other wase no

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I know. But i want the app to keep running so it dont have to restart it each time i get into the car.

there is an application on android name tasker it can do the job

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Do you use a smartphone? use the macrodroid application, it says a macro that makes the screen turn off when disconnecting the obd2 or the charger

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Thanks ill try that. Yes i use a little samsung phone.