COMPOSITE_ID stopped working in one position

hello, for some reason, the mapping with COMPOSITE_ID 0X8e in this xml snippet stopped working.

 <frame id="0x140810ff:0x8e,1,1" endianess="big">
      <value targetId="38" offset="2" length="2" signed= "true" conversion="V/10"></value>      <!-- Spark Advance -->


I had to change it to:

 <frame id="0x140810ff:0x01,0,1" endianess="big">

CAN Monitor:

What is your actual composite ID byte, 01 or 8e?

Currently 01,It was the 8E and in some update it stopped working.

i have same problem Composite ID need help - #4 by Falcon_S

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Edit: I found the issue, this same issue also affects @Falcon_S.

When using composite ID, the value having any of the:


will bleed into the composite id parsing resulting invalid composite id.

This is fixed for next release.