Connection to a Speeduino

Good day,

Hopefully some one here can help me. I am trying to get my table running Realdash to my Arduino base Speeduino ECU. If you follow the below link you can see i have got a blue tooth (HC-06) connected and I can send and receive data to me ECU.

It is simular to a Megasquirt I supose. And I can send it a “A” for all the data, or a “r” for selected registers. I was hoping to use an XML file and <command send=“A”… then strip out the data. Or a 71003002000200 hex which is an “r” requests individual data, in this case byte 2 and 3…

Other option is a custom .ini but there is no info on how to write one of these.

find below the xml I had tried: I have tried both 41 and A. neither has worked.

Requires RealDash version 1.5.8 or newer

This file would not load.

I also tried the standard ODB2 file off GitHub, and modified the send line. This one loaded but no data.

Source = ODB2
Type = Bluetooth - speedie (name of my hc-06 module)
Custom channel descriptor file = xml file of above

If I go into the ODB2 monitor I can send it an “A” and I get data back. So Im close… I hope.


You should be able to connect to Speeduino by using Megasquirt as connection option. I think they even added support for Megasquirt legacy protocol so it is able to show some values without Megasquirt INI file.

I tested with speeduino,
I selected as megasquirt and put the Speeduino.ini
It worked OK

Hi out there,

I had this running with the above settings, Megasquirt selected and the speeduino.ini file, and was running good.

I have not been using it for a while, and now it has an error that it can not pharse the ini file.

Has there been some changes or anybody else been effected.


There has been no changes to Megasquirt code path in at least 6 months. Please try to import your ini file again. If the problem persists, please share your ini and I will test it.

Hi Realdashdev,

I have been back and had a play. When I try to update the configuration for the connection it will no longer allow me to select the ini file.

WHen you congigure a connection you:
select blue tooth
then it asks for an .ini file

IT will no longer allow me to select my .ini file here. I can see it, click on it. but nothing…
speeduino.7z (36.8 KB)

I tried your ini file and it loads OK on my device, so it seems not to be an issue with the file. Could you try the following: First select nothing, just go back from file selection. When you see that ini file name has disappeared from below the button, then try to import the ini file.

Thankyou for your tests.

By the looks on the Speeduino fourms there has been a bit of activity and discussions around real dash and its connectivity.

I will try your idea’s above. And will follow the progress on the Speeduino fourm.

kind regards

I believe that this same discussion on Speeduino forum describes some changes you need to make to ini for it to work as Megasquirt ini.

Hi realdashdev,

I have it up and running again. No changes needed with the current firmware (or in the last 3 months) it works with megasquirt selected and speeduino.ini (as per supplied)

I am using it on serial0, and bluetooth, which means I cannot have the dash and tunerstudio connected at same time. The current discussions on the speeduino forum is about getting serial3 (or second serial/can/… port) to work so you can use both.

Currently Serial3 has a reduced dataset compared to serial0.

My problem ended up being the tablet. the “.ini” file I was using was located in my downloads file, and the table had decided to delete it, but you could still see it in there, just not open or link to it (bloody technology)
