Connection via RD CAN / Serial

Hello everyone

I want to connect to RD via RD CAN/Serial

Rock5B (8GB RAM) with 256GB NVMe Samsung 870 EVO
Teensy 3.5 for signal processing (not yet connected)

Currently only a display is connected to HDMI 2, 1x mouse and 1x keyboard (USB).
The OS is Armbian 23.11.1, kernel 5.10.110 with xfce.

When selecting the serial connection, RD shows me 2 entries to choose from, but I cannot assign them (what is that, - which device does it mean?):


So it’s not clear to me which of the two I have to use in RD…

  • Is this name perhaps referring to the individual Rock5B GPIOs or UART devices?

Another question:

What is the best way to prepare analog and digital signals (such as indicators, lighting, temperatures, pressure etc) for RealDash to process?

  • Both in Teensy 3.5 with only one serial connection to RD, output via RXTX to the Rock5B’s GPIO?


  • only analog via the Teensy, and digital directly via the GPIO PIN’s from the Rock5B with a second serial Connection for RealDash ?

I would be very happy about your tips!

You question is very broad and difficult to answer.

Linux shows the USB names like that. There is no way of knowing to which device each name refers to. One way is to detach the device while on that screen and see what name disappears.

As for your another question, absolutely best option is to not use any custom hardware at all, just use one of the supported CAN adapters to directly connect to your vehicle CAN bus.

Hello realdashdev,

Thank you very much for your quick answer!

Unfortunately the vehicle doesn’t have a CAN bus - only OBD2 - and even then a lot of interesting data isn’t displayed to me at all…

That’s why custom hardware…
At the moment the Signal setup looks like this (not yet connected):
Analog / Digital Signal => Teensy 3.5 In => Teensy 3.5 RXTX Out (UART) => Rock5b GPIO In => RealDash

  • The question is whether the signals should all be (pre)processed in the Teensy (and RD only has to use one serial connection for this)?


  • whether you just put the digital signals directly on the Rock5B GPIO (the analog signals remained on the Teensy) and create a second serial connection in RD?


/dev/ttyFIQ0 and /dev/ttyS6:

When I display the hardware information from the Rock 5B with ls /dev, there are around 67 tty entries - these can’t just be USB devices (which change with every start)…

/dev/ttyFIQ0 and /dev/ttyS6 are the last two in the list.

  • What does the connection name that RealDash offers in the serial settings refer to?

    GPIOs or any overlays are not yet activated in the Rock5b.

    Where does the name that RealDash uses there come from?
    There must be a reason why RD offers two different names for the serial connection…

  • Is this a name that Linux assigns per hard drive/volume?

  • Could it be that the two tty entries are related to the two volumes of the (only) installed SSD?

lshw-short shows me 2 volumes even though only one SSD is physically installed…?

here is my Hardwareinfo:

type or paste code here

ls /dev/tty

ashmem           hidraw0      loop-control  snd      tty28  tty52     vcs4
autofs           hidraw1      mali0         stderr   tty29  tty53     vcs5
block            hidraw2      mapper        stdin    tty3   tty54     vcs6
btrfs-control    hugepages    mem           stdout   tty30  tty55     vcs7
bus              hwrng        mpp_service   sw_sync  tty31  tty56     vcsa
cec0             i2c-0        mqueue        tty      tty32  tty57     vcsa1
cec1             i2c-1        mtd0          tty0     tty33  tty58     vcsa2
char             i2c-10       mtd0ro        tty1     tty34  tty59     vcsa3
console          i2c-11       mtdblock0     tty10    tty35  tty6      vcsa4
cpu_dma_latency  i2c-4        net           tty11    tty36  tty60     vcsa5
crypto           i2c-6        null          tty12    tty37  tty61     vcsa6
cuse             i2c-7        nvme0         tty13    tty38  tty62     vcsa7
disk             i2c-9        nvme0n1       tty14    tty39  tty63     vcsu
dma_heap         iio:device0  nvme0n1p1     tty15    tty4   tty7      vcsu1
dri              initctl      nvme0n1p2     tty16    tty40  tty8      vcsu2
drm_dp_aux0      input        port          tty17    tty41  tty9      vcsu3
fb0              kmsg         ppp           tty18    tty42  ttyFIQ0   vcsu4
fd               kvm          ptmx          tty19    tty43  ttyS6     vcsu5
full             log          pts           tty2     tty44  ubi_ctrl  vcsu6
fuse             loop0        ram0          tty20    tty45  uhid      vcsu7
gpiochip0        loop1        random        tty21    tty46  uinput    vhci
gpiochip1        loop2        rfkill        tty22    tty47  urandom   video0
gpiochip2        loop3        rga           tty23    tty48  v4l       zero
gpiochip3        loop4        rkspi-dev2    tty24    tty49  vcs       zram0
gpiochip4        loop5        rtc           tty25    tty5   vcs1      zram1
gpiochip5        loop6        rtc0          tty26    tty50  vcs2
hdmirx_hdcp      loop7        shm           tty27    tty51  vcs3

lshw -short:

H/W path      Device          Class          Description
                              system         Radxa ROCK 5B
/0                            bus            Motherboard
/0/1                         processor      cpu
/0/1/0                      memory         32KiB L1 Cache
/0/2                         processor      cpu
/0/2/0                      memory         32KiB L1 Cache
/0/3                         processor      cpu
/0/3/0                      memory         32KiB L1 Cache
/0/4                         processor      cpu
/0/4/0                      memory         32KiB L1 Cache
/0/5                         processor      cpu
/0/5/0                      memory         64KiB L1 Cache
/0/6                         processor      cpu
/0/6/0                      memory         64KiB L1 Cache
/0/7                         processor      cpu
/0/7/0                      memory         64KiB L1 Cache
/0/8                         processor      cpu
/0/8/0                      memory         64KiB L1 Cache
/0/9                         processor      cpu-map
/0/a                         processor      idle-states
/0/b                         processor      l2-cache-b0
/0/c                         processor      l2-cache-b1
/0/d                         processor      l2-cache-b2
/0/e                         processor      l2-cache-b3
/0/f                          processor      l2-cache-l0
/0/10                       processor      l2-cache-l1
/0/11                       processor      l2-cache-l2
/0/12                       processor      l2-cache-l3
/0/13                       processor      l3-cache
/0/14                       memory        7688MiB System memory
/0/100                     bridge           RK3588
/0/100/0                 /dev/nvme0    storage        Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 250GB
/0/100/0/1              /dev/nvme0n1    disk          250GB NVMe disk
/0/100/0/1/1           /dev/nvme0n1p1  volume         256MiB EXT4 volume
/0/100/0/1/2           /dev/nvme0n1p2  volume         230GiB EXT4 volume
/0/101                   bridge              RK3588
/0/101/0                wlan0               network        Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
/0/0                      bridge              RK3588
/0/0/0                   enP4p65s0      network        RTL8125 2.5GbE Controller
/1                         usb1                bus               EHCI Host Controller
/1/1                      bus                  USB 2.0 Hub
/1/1/1                   input5              input          USB Keyboard Consumer Control
/1/1/2                   input8              input          PixArt USB Optical Mouse
/1/1/3                   communication  Bluetooth Radio
/2            usb2            bus            EHCI Host Controller
/3            usb3            bus            Generic Platform OHCI controller
/4            usb4            bus            Generic Platform OHCI controller
/5            usb5            bus            xHCI Host Controller
/6            usb6            bus            xHCI Host Controller
/7            usb7            bus            xHCI Host Controller
/8            usb8            bus            xHCI Host Controller
/9            mmc0          bus            MMC Host
/a            mmc1          bus            MMC Host
/b            mmc2          bus            MMC Host
/c            card0           multimedia     rockchiphdmi0
/d            card1           multimedia     rockchiphdmi1
/e            card2           multimedia     rockchipdp0
/f             card3           multimedia     rockchipes8316
/10          card4           multimedia     rockchiphdmiin
/11           /dev/fb0          display        rockchipdrmfb
/12           input0             input          rk805 pwrkey
/13           input1             input          rockchip-hdmi0 rockchip-hdmi0
/14           input2             input          rockchip-hdmi1 rockchip-hdmi1
/15           input3             input          rockchip,dp0 rockchip,dp0
/16           input4             input          rk-headset
/17           input9             input          BRLTTY 6.5 Linux Screen Driver Keyb
/18           wlP2p33s0     network     Wireless interface

root@rock-5b:~# lsusb
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0bda:b85c Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Bluetooth Radio
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 093a:2510 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Optical Mouse
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04d9:1603 Holtek Semiconductor, Inc. Keyboard
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1a40:0101 Terminus Technology Inc. Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

I do not know answers to your Linux specific questions, sorry :frowning:

AS for your custom hardware, use only one connection from your device to RealDash and do all the numbers crunching on your Teensy/Rock5b. At the end of the day, RealDash is designed to be a display software. While it can do some conversions to values, it is best to send the data that is already in proper format.