Copying Gauge profiles, XML files, and new tablet integration with original working functions

I have an android tablet with Real Dash full version purchased. I am adding a second android tablet. I have a Real Dash Account, but am not yet subscribed to full version. If I log into the account with the tablet that has the purchased full version will it stay the full version? Also, what is your recommended method to getting full version on new, second tablet?

The set up I am trying to complete is… This project started without us, and it involves a tablet with RealDash Pro preinstalled and set up with a working profile the communicates with a One Gauge I/O interface via bluetooth…

The objective is to add a second tablet, one as the gauge cluster, the other as a dash interface, for buttons to do various controls (locks, lights, ignition, etc)

The original tablet for the most part works, slight modicifcations to buttons and functions.

I copied the working .rd file from working tablet to new tablet. I get the error this profile is not activated for this user. I then purchased the full version via google on the new tablet, and still did not work, I then realized the the working profile was modified from a purchased premium template (Boss on the Block).
If i again purchase the premium template on the new tablet will thus custom profile work on the new tablet?

At this point I realized it may be better if these tablets and my realdash were subscription based instead of one time purchase.

I also have a test button profile created on the original tablet that also communicates with the One Gauge interface. This one is not a premium template. I copied it from the original tablet to new one, but it does not seem to function in terms of the visual cues that were were built in the profile ( the layout matches and names match, but none of the changes happen when the button is pressed, background color changes, text changes, hold times, etc… What am I doing wrong? did I copy everything I need?

the XML file that is saved in the android/data/xxxxxxrealdash/descfiles in the original tablet was copied but I cant get it in the original location on the new tablet, due to android file permission retrictions… Is there a way to load this manually from realdash app.?

Some of these problems seem to be better solved if this project had started with a subscription. Is it possible to change, migrate to the subscription and not lose full version access and purchased premium templates?

Subscription gives you a lot of benefits. It will unlock all premium content and also works on any supported version (Android, Windows, iOS, Linux, OSX).

Also, with My RealDash (MRD) subscription, you can upload your Settings, CAN & OBD2 XML files to MRD, and download them easily on any instance of RealDash.

That is what I figured. What about the “New Boss on the Block” Premium gauge cluster? Will that need to be purchased again on the new tablet, or once I subscribe do the premium clusters become available on all devices?

I already purchased the full version of the app on both. I don’t mind also buying the premium gauges again, I just don’t want to subscribe to my.realdash and none of those premium downloads are tied to the subscription.

Yes, all premium content will be available on all devices with My RealDash subscription.