Been working on this now for few day, so far so good.
But when its run as user, not in ROOT, it crashes when entering the gallery. It does not crash when run in ROOT
The setup is Raspberry 5, SSD hat, Pi Os Lite with PIXEL desktop and 12.3" wide HDMI display. Version: realdash-mrd_2.4.4-1_arm64
This is the error it throws in terminal:
Segmentation fault
I read somewhere it should not been run in ROOT, but it does not crash when in root. What could be the solution? just to run it in root?
**EDIT, it also does it in ROOT
Ok, I will investigate this crash.
How much RAM on Pi?
Thank you. It has 8gb ram
I was unable to reproduce this problem. Also build the app with address sanitizer and had no issues running the gallery. This may have something to do with your OS setup, I was running in standard Pi OS.
Thank you for your time, I will continue to try to figure it out, and will let you know if I find any solution
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