Create animation on Android

Something I can’t understand how to make animation on android …
Renamed the file, put it in the folder with the .rd file. What’s next? How is this set up and then what to choose in RealDash?
Has anyone gotten their own animation successful? Shoot a short video, how to set up animation on android? :mrgreen:

When I did it, I ended up having to do it in windows, then moving the rd file over to Android

Yes of course! But the manual on gitHub says that we can put the_anim.xml file next to the .rd file in android and perform the same manipulations as in win10, but this unfortunately does not work ((((I hope the developers see this post and leave a comment on But ideally, of course, I think it would be to create a section on the forum, and fill this section with RealDash instructions from both users and developers, because RD already has some serious functionality, but many functions are not clear and a description of their use is not disclosed. Wow video is enough to understand how it works! Thank you!

One thing to check is that both files are ‘locally’ in same folder. Loading the _anim.xml file with .rd file from Dropbox or Google Drive does not work (and is not possible to implement).

Those. You confirm that the animation can be edited on the android having an_anim.xml file with the same .rd file, in the same folder.
I will look for my mistakes … Good!

Unfortunately, .rd files located locally in the same folder and an_anim.xml file do not upload changes to the animation. Any video or instruction in detail? There is a function, but you can’t use it! How is that?

However, in Win 10 I can crank it up. But you need something to work on android :bulb:

How to copy coordinates of an object on an android for animation?
If on windows = ctrl + q
On android =?

How to load edited anim.xml in RealDash on android?

Could you make it work on windows?

Everything works on windows. Need on android.

I think latest version has ‘Import’ option in file menu just as the Windows version does.

Wow! Hurrah! Thank you so much!

How to copy coordinates of an object on an android for animation?
If on windows = ctrl + q
On android =?