Current Speed Limit and Implicit speed limit on OSM

I want to use the “Current Speed Limit” data source. I am aware that it searches for maximum speed data on OSM using the maxspeed tag. In my city, the maxspeed tag is mostly filled in OSM. However, it is usually filled not with the absolute value of the maximum speed, for example 60, but implicitly. for example RU:urban. This corresponds to a speed limit of 60. Filling the maxspeed tag with implicit values is described here Key:maxspeed - OpenStreetMap Wiki

At the same time, apparently, the “Current Speed Limit” data source in RealDash does not know how to work correctly in the case of implicitly specified data in the maxspeed tag. On such streets it shows “255”
Can I do some kind of conversion of implicit values from OSM to a number on my own, in my skin? For me, there are not many of them, literally 4 pieces. If this is possible, can you tell me how to do it?
Or is it impossible to do without making changes to the RealDash program code?
Thank you in advance.