Custom XML for Jeep using OBD2 connection

I may be overthinking or missing the point all together but I am creating a custom XML for a Jeep with TPMS.
In this situation, I will need to have separate headers for different responses that I need. ie: RPM comes from 7DF and TPMS comes from 7DA.
So I know from the documentation I need to have a header reference in every send commandant not just the init.

This is a partial of my Custom XML file :

<command send="010c" header="atsh7df" skipCount="0" targetId="37" conversion="V/4"></command>
<command send="22a020" header="atsh7da" skipCount="10" targetId="240" units="psi" conversion="B0*92.46/255"></command>

All the commands that have the 7df header work as expected , ( several of them )
All commands with the 7da header don’t work ( four of them)

I have tried each pid with the appropriate asth header in the terminal and I DO get the response I am looking for but am not getting anything within the dashboard itself for anything with a 7da header. I do have the TPMS gauge mapped to the correct targetId (Tyre press etc) and have even tried custom name mapping with no result.

Am I missing something simple or am I completely off base ?

Could you send me your XML file ( I will run it thru the simulators if I can find something.

I have sent a copy to the address provided.
Thanks in advance

Can’t imagine how busy you probably are this time of year as I am also, and I am in no means rushing you , but have you had a chance to look over the XML file, just really wanted to confirm you received it.

I got it, but have not found time to analyse. Will try within next few days.

I ran full analysis and added the Jeep TPMS values into our OBD2 simulator and it seems to work ok in there. So at least it seems like there is nothing wrong with your XML file.

You mentioned that you used the OBD2 monitor to verify that your ECU is responding for TPMS requests. Could you send me the replys from OBD2 monitor for commands?


This would be helpful so I can compare the reply from your vehicle to what simulator produces.

Starting from the top,
I receive no data as expected from the pid before the atsh7DA command
After the atsh7DA I get the response I expected with or without the header set to true
the 64 after the A020 being what I need.






Yes, I found the problem in OBD2 parsing engine that causes RD to skip the TPMS values. Fix will be in next release.

Thats great news, Thanks so much, I look forward to it .