I calculate my speed based on the hall effect sensor in the rear diff. I calculate this in MPH. I see in the targetId 64 that speed is KPH. Do I need to calculate the speed in KPH, then realdash will convert to my local MPH units?
Same for intake air temp, in C but I calculate it in F. Should I just calculate everything in metric?
If I do mph and F, how do I go about it?
Yes, RealDash handles everything internally in metric units. The units conversion is done just before displaying the value.
If you are using a connection XML, you can specify that values will be MPH or F for example.
This instructs RealDash to convert the incoming values to metric.
For my odometer, which I store in my FRAM as miles, what are the units I use in the XML?
If your device sends data as miles set:
If your device sends data as kilometres set:
Is there documented somewhere the supported units? I’ve look in the targetId doc and see the ones there, but what else if available?
PSI vs Bar
F vs C
I hate to ask for all units