Hello, can someone make a dashboard for a relly car? paying, of course. I really like this style
I neeed this dashboad, i love it!
You can’t use one of their pre existing designs or create your own with Photoshop?
The design is fairly simple. You’ll run into more trouble getting sensors to work correctly though unless you already done that.
The design of the board is simple and very beautiful, and I only need that information; RPM, fuel level, oil pressure and water and oil temperatures, I don’t need the gear engaged yet because I don’t have a gearbox yet. I am very new to RD and I have tried to do it with a photo of its screen, I have loaded it in RD, it looks a little pixelated when I enlarge the photo and it takes up the entire screen of the tablet, but it can help. At the moment I have only managed to place a bar and circular meter just above the one in the photo, I still need to rescale it, but I find it difficult at the moment, I am very new
You need your screen resolution if you want to make something custom. Also double check that you for sure get oil pressure through OBD2.
I could attempt to make you a dash but it’ll be very basic if you really need it.
This is a mock design I made on photoshop since I had some time before work.
Speed in center, RPM outer of it, Left side would be colant temperature and right side would be fuel. If youre using only a OBD2 adapter I don’t think you’ll be able to read any oil information unless you have it. Check Engine and battery could work. Gears also doesn’t work and when I’ve tried their method it’s not always accurate for me on the downshifts.
Did you want a quick dash created for you?
Hello everyone again, with a screenshot I make the wallpaper, then on the RPM clock I add a meter occupying the total possible on the wallpaper, but from there everything is difficult for me. In this rally car I will use the dashbox to send the signals to RD, I should not have a problem with the oil pressure. I’m very lost and it would be great if someone could do the job.
Uploading: IMG_1332.jpeg…
Uploading: IMG_1341.jpeg…
The files are still loading so I can’t see the 2 pictures you are trying to share atm.
If you want me to make you a simple dash i can for you. From there you just add the inputs on your end. I’d just need the pxiel dimensions.
That or i can use the mock up one i sent you which isn’t really finalized. Just lmk as today is the only day I really can.
I’m sorry I’m late, I don’t know why the photos aren’t loading, the photo I just uploaded is the board I tried to make, adding a meter over the photo I uploaded in the RD app. The next step would be to rescale it, I think, I still have to do more research and understand better how RD works.
What questions do you have exactly about the APP?