Data multicast not working as normal


After last update i have a problem using data multicast. The two devices are connected ( i can see in host pc sent & received size getting bigger " counting" ) but in the other device received is Zero.

I have to turn off host and use data multicast many times to make it work.


Thanks for reporting. Confirmed that Multicasting host is sometimes unable to send any data. Fix is done and update should be available very soon.

Thanks Jani,

It works fine after last update. Now, i have another issue regarding multicast, if try to navigate during multicast you will not be able to type/ write the address. It keeps typing the same letter.


Interesting. Are you sure this is related to Multicast being active?

Sure. To make it work i have to close multicast option.

Is this on what platform/OS? Virtual or hardware keyboard?

Is this on what platform/OS? Virtual or hardware keyboard?

Edit: No matter what I try I cannot reproduce this problem.

I am using 3 devices , Android 6,9,11.

Same thing happened in all of them. I did many trials between them for example multicast between 9 and 11 , 11 and 6 … Without success. I will upload videos links later


I found it, it happened only if i select “Multicast INPUTS” and “ACCEPT INPUTS” in the host device.

By the way, what is the purpose for each one?


You can use those settings to remotely control another device in multicasting network. Both should not be on at the same time. Typically one multicasting device is multicasting the inputs, and one or more are accepting the inputs from that device.

There is a ‘Remove Control’ example dashboard to show this functionality.

For next version I will set that both of those settings cannot be active at the same time.