Datalog created but empty

Recent issue i have is that csv file is created and has column headers but no data.

I have 47 values logging, is it too much?

No, it should not be too much. I will investigate if there is something wrong.

So i uninstalled and then reinstalled 2.1.2, datalogs are now working, but I think i had too much faith in the MRD sync, so looks like my triggers and actions need to be redone and my items to datalog is not updated either.

Spent a long time recreating my triggers and actions, only to find that i did not set a threshold for one of them which now immediately loops indefinately when i open ReadDash on Win10, so looks like even more wasted time.

Very frustrating that on Windows I cant even determine where it’s getting the alerts configuration from, no files seem to have been updated at all. Where does Win10 version store it’s config files?

Can you please change the behaviour so that a full screen alert still allows you to access the gui in some way?

How would you suggest that we do that?

Maybe a key combination to break an alert?


Maximum time an alert can be active, user defined.


Slow it down, it’s constantly refreshing the screen at a high rate, so you can see the gui behind, but it cannot be reached. If it were slower you could interact with the program while the alert was running?


Clicking the alert stops it for 2 minutes?

It’s logical what it’s doing, but i can’t imagine a situation where you would want a program to prevent you from returning to it’s gui.

Do i have to redo all my work setting the alerts then?

All i need to do is be able to edit the alert config outside of the program and restart RD and it would be fine.

Good practise is to have cooldown time on a trigger that shows fullscreen alert. That allows you to enter edit mode to tweak your triggers if needed.

What I will do is that if you tap the fullscreen alert, it will stay away for a few seconds so you can access the top menu and enter edit mode.

Thank you.

Have been away, but thanks for the change in 2.1.4

Oh, did you identify any issue with logging?

Going to 2.1.4 from 2.1.2 (or be it with different parameters logged) again i just have the headings in the CSV file.

Also reported elsewhere, I’m investigating.

Thanks, let me know if i can help with anything.

Found it, finally!

Fix coming soon.