Datalog trigger

Hello I am trying to come up with a way to do a datalog trigger. I was thinking of of having it trigger at 80% throttle, but then I want to have a delay for it to stop, or come up with a condition to make it stop automatically. Say for instance have it stop after XX seconds. That way I can record full throttle pulls automatically.

Can we Impliment a feature for a time delay, or help me come up with a way to create a stop recording trigger. Thanks

You can use the ‘Dummy Timer’ inputs. Set Dummy timer to 0 when datalogging starts, and stop the datalogging when timer goes over specified value.

I did for the trigger 1 tps greater than 80% and dummy timer is greater or equal to 0 action is start datalog

Then trigger 2 is dummy timer is greater than 15 action is to stop datalogging.

It creates a datalog file but there is no time to it. So I am guessing there needs to be an action to start the dummy timer, but I do not see that listed in actions.


Dummy timers are always running. Set its value to 0 to reset the timer.

Oh ok I got it, had to use the set value action to set the dummy timer to 0. Thanks!