Display fuel level and engine temperature?

I receive data through Realdash Can, I received all the data, but I can’t do the fuel level and engine temperature, or rather, I know the CAN ID responsible for this, but nothing changes in realdash

have you tried using the CAN monitor ?

Yes, but a lot of data comes via CAN, besides, I also tried to look at this data through the OBD connector and they come normally in conjunction with Realdash, therefore they are definitely there via CAN, I have already received many parameters, turn signals, door sensors, speed, rpm and all this data is successfully displayed

you may have to use gauge math to get the number. I had to do that to get a correct odometer reading from CAN. Even though the debug data showed the correct number, the text gauge did not. Not sure why

What did you use to get the odometer?

Sometimes there’s a PID for odometer too. It varys by manufacturer. If you know how to decipher CAN date you can get a lot.

But here is the problem, that I do not understand what data in this regard I need to output) I got everything that is necessary and there were no problems, everything works great and without brakes thanks to the CAN shine) But as I understand it, fuel and temperature need to be played with the calculation something like that, although honestly I do not understand why according to OBD, when I connect and use the default instrument panel there and fuel and temperature, the engine is pulled up well, I thought to take the parameters from the XML file of OBD settings, at least, but in the end I did not come to anything

For example, in the OBD in the XML file the fuel level goes like this
i.e. conversion=“V/2.55”, and it shows correctly. But when I connect via RealDash Сan and set it like this it shows as if I have a full tank)

Are there any gurus who have already solved this problem?

OBD2 connection and CAN connection are completely different. Its very rare that you can use same conversions between these connection types.

Yes, I understand the difference) Can you tell me how the transformation works in general, what it consists of, it’s just not clear at all)

All vehicles have their own conversions for values. Or maybe more precisely; all engine control units encode the values to CAN frames differently.

So they are very much vehicle specific on CAN. OBD2 attempts to ‘Unify’ reading of these values with common PIDs and data conversions.