Dummy timers

Hi, This is my first contact.

I am trying to set a trigger that does the following: if the conditions are met go to page 2. When one of these is no longer fulfilled, return to page 1 after 30 seconds.
I’m using a dummy timer with rotate value action, but I don’t know how dummy timers work.
Could you send me a simple example of how to do this?

Thank you!!!

Dummy timers are just values in seconds that are constantly updated and which you can set/reset with Actions.

To get started:

Your conditions are true, actions:

  • Switch page
  • Reset Dummy Timer X to 0

Then a Trigger that checks:

  • If current page is the page changed to and Dummy Timer X > 30: Switch page back.


Thanks. Dummy timer is working now!!
For resetting it to cero may I use “Set Value”?


Please also tell me about “Stop” value (0 or 1) for Rotate Value action.

It allows you to stop at max value instead of rotating back to min.