EasyEcu supported by the RealDash - basic info

Hi, It is nice to have OTTOMOTIVE EasyEcu supported by the RealDash. Since version 1.7.3 you can communicate through Bluetooth adapter with EasyEcu 3+ or EasyEcu Micro.
We have our OTTODROID Bluetooth adapter that can be found on www.ottomotive.pl or you can use custom one.

EasyEcu has communication connector on the back. It is 4 pin Mini NC connector where:

Pin 1 is TX RS232C
Pin 2 is GND
Pin 3 is +12V
Pin 4 is RX RS232C

SPP class have to be implemented in Bluetooth adapter and parameters of communications are: Speed 115200, Data bits 8, Parity non, Stop bits 1.
Communication pinout.png