EMU Classic XML vs EMU Black

Hey guys, I’m using realdash on an android tablet, using a USB-Can analyzer connected to a ECUMaster EMU Classic and Can Module. I am using the EMU Black XML file provided in the app. I’m able to see most common data, but I am having trouble getting any data for the IAT and Fuel Pressure. I confirmed on the emu classic software that it is reading iat and fuel pressure correctly, but realdash will not display either when selected. Any advice? Is the XML different between Black and Classic? Thanks in advance.

From the XML the IAT is from CAN frame 0x600, fourth byte.

<frame id="0x600"><!--EMU CAN Stream - ID 0-->
    <value targetId="27" offset="3" length="1" units="C"></value> <!-- IAT -->

I think these are based on default settings on EMU Black, and it could be that EMU Classic has different defaults. Still, you should be able to configure the CAN output to match EMU Black.

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Thanks for the reply. really appreciate the help you offer on this forum. I verified XML was correct, and I verified that the IAT was mapped to the correct gauge input. I ended up sort of solving my issue anyways, the dash theme I am using has multiple dashes on it, I scrolled through and found that another dash was displaying the correct IAT reading. I checked this gauge input and it was mapped to the same input as what I was trying originally, but this gauge somehow was displaying the reading. I ended up just copying this gauge to the dash I wanted to use and it “fixed” my issue. Still confused on why this was my only option, but I’m happy it’s fixed.

As far as the fuel pressure gauge goes, I figured out that my fuel pressure sensor was pinned to analog input #3 on the EMU Classic. I selected this for my fuel pressure reading on realdash, but the output from the ECU is a 0-5v reference how do I convert this to a PSI reading?

And finally, sorry for the multiple questions. I’m new to gauge math, I’m trying to have a boost gauge on this dash as well, the “Calculated Value” for boost isn’t accurate, is there a formula in gauge math I can use to have MAP minus Baro? Or what is the best way to display accurate boost?

Best way would be to configure ECU CAN output to show real fuel pressure instead of volts.

Two another options are:

  1. Use conversion attribute in XML to convert volts to pressure. This would require voltage to be linear on pressure range.
  2. Use value custom mapping to scale the volts to pressure. Make a gauge with input#3, go to Input & Values to select the input#3 and use the burger menu to enter custom mapping mode.

The calculated boost inputs do use barometer for calculation. Please give more details on how the calculated boost is not accurate?

Thanks for the reply, I’ll try custom mapping next time I’m at the car.

I haven’t driven the car in boost yet, but with Key-On-Engine-Off, Boost reads -1.0. With the engine running, it reads -1.06, but the value doesn’t snap to “zero” when popping throttle open (zero vacuum). What values does the Boost calculate from?

From manifold absolute pressure and barometric pressure.