Hi. Could someone please help me?
I’m trying to add ethanol content as a gauge but I can’t find an input for it, can it be done ? My sensor is wired to a standard input in a haltech ecu.
Thanks !
Hi. Could someone please help me?
I’m trying to add ethanol content as a gauge but I can’t find an input for it, can it be done ? My sensor is wired to a standard input in a haltech ecu.
Thanks !
You need to configure the ECU to send the value to CAN, and update the Haltech CAN XML file to include your new value. The default Haltech CAN XML is here:
RealDash-extras/RealDash-CAN/XML-files/Haltech at master · janimm/RealDash-extras (github.com)
Thanks! I managed to get it to work