Fictitious location

The can bus signals contain data about the car’s location. is it possible to use them as gps signals in the program? As sources of a fictitious location. In Android this is possible and not difficult

Yes, disable the internal GPS from the settings and send the GPS location in CAN frames to RealDash. In XML, use the Map Center Latitude (307) and Map Center Longitude (308) targetIds.

Great, thanks!

I tried it, disabled the location in the settings, and specified the ID in the xml file, but I didn’t understand what to specify in the map source so that it would show my new location.
I set the ID values for the settings to be fixed. Ask for help

Not exactly sure what you mean, but at least your ‘conversion’ parameters do not make any sense.

To send the latitude and longitude over can, I would use two 4 byte values in one CAN frame following manner:

// at the sending device
int32_t lat = (int32_t)(latitude * 10000.0);
int32_t lon = (int32_t)(longitude * 10000.0);
uint8_t frame[8];
memcpy(frame, &lat, 4);
memcpy(frame + 4, &lon, 4);

Then at the XML on these values

signed="true" conversion="V*0.0001"

We already have latitude and longitude in the bus. You just need to convert it, but there is a data source on the map, how should I specify it?


sorry for my non-correct question before
I try send for test i first only constant value - for example, the coordinates of Moscow as constant

but i see in RealDash
we can see - Zoom Level sending successfully
but ID 308 and 307 not change - i try swich of all GPS setting in RealDash and Andoid
Note: my android no have GPS module

please help

Ok, I will run some tests with GPS data over CAN.

Ok, found it. The RealDash CAN protocol did not respect the map center coordinate inputs. Fix will be in next release. Meanwhile, you can write the latitude and longitude directly into internal GPS inputs as:

Input:                     valueId:
Internal GPS Latitude      22
Internal GPS Longitude     23

ohh, not clear how use “into internal GPS inputs”

please check

i must use triggers?

Just use targetids 22 and 23 in your XML.

Now clear, i complete tested GLONASS work very well

now is not clear how i can rotate map - i have value in CAN “azimuth of movement”

ps: about STM32F405 and usb problem with mouse - not have any news?

Rotation of the map is automatic based on change of the coordinate. There is no writable input for it.

hello, big thanks for reply and fix ID

can I set the coordinates of the end point of the route using XML ?? after i want try use thiggers “Navigation Start”


It is not possible currently as action to start navigation has a string of place name of written coordinate.