Found an error in built-in XML files for BMW 335i

Looking in default files under the BMW E93 335i section, it looks like someone made a copy/paste mistake or something for the following:

<frame canid="0x1b4">
	 <value targetId="170" offset="0" length="4" conversion="(((B1*256+B0)/160)+((B3*256+B2)/160))*0.5*0.01"></value> <!-- fuel level -->

It should be…

<frame canId="0x349">
		<value targetId="170" offset="0" length="4" conversion="((((B1*256+B0)/160)+((B3*256+B2)/160))/53.0)*100.0"></value> <!-- fuel level -->

The case of the canId= is wrong (the ‘i’ needs to be uppercase) and the can id itself is wrong. The formula didn’t make a lot of sense to me either. The above worked fine for me. You have to change the 53 to the # of liters your car has. I have a 128i so the total of both tanks divided by 53, then multiply by 100, gives you the % full.

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Thank you for this, will correct for next release.

Updated file is now also in GitHub:

RealDash-extras/RealDash-CAN at master · janimm/RealDash-extras

Do you mind sharing your xml file? I have included mine. My 335 got totaled so now I’m in a M240i but still developing my xml a lot crosses over.

BMW 335i.xml (4.7 KB)

I still have some IDs I need to check and work through. I’m not using a long list of stuff, just mainly the key parts like fuel level, lights, doors, that would be useful. There is a ton of stuff in the Kcan that I think would just be novelty. I don’t use any of the DME related stuff as there isn’t a DME in the car any longer. It’s an LS swapped 128i with a Holley Terminator for the engine.

I have found this list to be reasonably useful. Taking a few tweaks here and there but overall seems to apply to the E9x/E8x platform

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