Fuel and oil pressure

Speeduino updated, and included reading of fuel and oil pressure, when you can include in Realdash, I would be grateful. Thanks.

Ok, I will take a look.

I have been working to bring the August 2020 firmware updates to RealDash, mainly the fuel and oil pressure readings to be mapped directly to correct RealDash inputs. I implemented the ‘serial0’ connection to match the August 2020 ini file

But now I have trouble remembering what is the difference with serial3 connection? Should I leave it as it is or change it? Any Speeduino gurus here?

Edit: got the info from Speeduino forum, serial3 will be left as it was.

Oil pressure worked, but fuel pressure doesn’t work. Thanks

Did you try with input ‘Body Electronics->Fuel Pressure’?

Yes, the two values ​​appear in Tuner Studio (oil pressure and fuel), in Realdash I selected fuel pressure and in the other meter, oil pressure, the oil pressure is displayed, but the fuel pressure is not. I checked that the oil pressure is in ENGINE / ECU INPUTS: ENGINE OIL PRESSURE and the fuel pressure is in BODY ELECTRONICS: FUEL PRESSURE, that may be why the fuel pressure does not work.

‘Body Electronics->Fuel Pressure’ is the input RealDash writes the fuel pressure value as it comes from the Speeduino. Unfortunately I do not have Speeduino to test. Do you see any value in ‘Body Electronics->Fuel Pressure’?

No value appears, it is 0, if I select Oil pressure, it shows the pressure value, if I select Fuel pressure, the value is 0. But both values ​​are appearing normally in TunerStudio. Why is one in ENGINE / ECU INPUTS and the other in BODY ELECTRONICS? Only the oil pressure in ENGINE / ECU INPUTS works, the fuel pressure in BODY ELECTRONICS does not work.

Wouldn’t it be the case to change the fuel pressure to ENGINE / ECU INPUTS?

For sure, I can change the input category but it does not make it work. It will still be the same input and show 0.

I’m unable to find why the fuel pressure is not linking to its input :frowning:

I found out why there was no fuel pressure, I had it updated on the Playstore, said it updated, but it didn’t. Now entering the Playstore again, he did the update. Now the fuel pressure is correct, but the oil pressure now appears correctly up to a certain value, when it rises, it keeps oscillating to a low number and returns to the real number. As if it were a conflict with another value.

I discovered the problem of oil pressure, he was fighting with the value of simulated pressure, trying to appear both values ​​simultaneously, I changed the mapping of inputs and solved it, but I couldn’t solve the problem of gear shifts, the speeduino information overlapping the Realdash calculation, and reverse.

The ‘current gear’ should be mappable in same settings as oil and fuel pressure.