Fuel consumption

How to calibrate the fuel consumption in the windows version? Is there a calculation formula etc?

Fuel consumption on Megasquirt is calculated based on pulse width, so most important settings in Garage are Injector Size, number of cylinders (injectors), and number of injector pulses per engine cycle.

Basically the settings are correct. I will check again … The consumption figure throws far too low

mean one injector? or all?
if I have a 4-stroke 4-cylinder engine with 4 injectors, a distributed injection fuel system.
each of 4 injectors makes 2 injections per 1 engine cycle.
I need to specify: 2
or indicate: 8

what prompt Jani?

I know Lincci that you have 8-cylinder engine so set that in Garage.

Next check your Megasquirt settings from Tuner Studio ‘Engine and Sequential Settings’ to see how many Squirts Per Engine Cycle is set, and if Injector Staging is Simultaneous or Alternating. Are you running a Fully Sequential injection?

It is full sequential injection and 1 squirt per engine cycle. My car has a variable fuel pressure according to the intake manifold. I don’t know how megasquirt handles that. I’ll check those settings again when I have time

I checked the settings today, everything should be correct ?? Tunerstudio also has a consumption meter and I think it shows the correct readings, but Realdash shows too little … What’s wrong here?

Can you say if RealDash shows too little by factor of 2 or factor of 4 and so on. I mean if you multiply the consumption value by 2 or by 4 does it then match the TunerStudio reading?

You can try this by setting the ‘Injections per engine cycle’ setting in RealDash to 2 or 4 to check if you get a correct consumption.