Fuel level?

So I’m trying to run RealDash on a 98 Jeep Wrangler. I’ve got most my gauges working except for fuel level. Big reason I chose RealDash is because it showed I could use it for fuel. I know the ECU reads fuel level because I can see it with a Snap On scan tool, but can’t seem to get it to work with app. Does anybody have some insight?

By default, fuel level is set to ‘Calculated’. You can adjust the fuel level from Quick Settings (‘Gear’ icon on bottom right). While fuel level is part of OBD2 standard, many vehicles do not send this information to OBD2 port. You can still try to map OBD2 fuel level on RealDash:

  1. Open ‘Settings->Units & Values->4th page’
  2. Find ‘Fuel Level’ and change the mapping to ‘ECU Specific->OBD2: Fuel Level’

On my smart car fortwo 450 from 2005 i can’t read out the fuel also. It seems that the car has only k-line over obd. Do you know if this is still possible.

I’m sure that Fuel level is available in K-Line and you could access it if you knew the specific PID to read it. Try to search forums for Smart-car specific PID info.

Did that but can’t find it nowhere, but i keep seaching. :smiley:

Still can’t get my fuel level to read. Guess I’ll have to go with a separate gauge for my fuel. Just disappointed because the goal was to have everything through the tablet. I’m not sure how it doesn’t send the fuel level to the obd2 port because I can hook a scan tool to the obd2 port and read the fuel level.

Could it be that your Fuel Level comes from non-standard, vehicle specific PID?