Gauge Graphics Guidance

@realdashdev so far, I have only been using standard gauges and whilst these have served me well, when I now scale these down, the needle size is too small. Is there any guidance for gauge graphics available, since the source graphics are embedded in the rd file and inaccessible to look at?

Not really, at least I do not know any place where you could find free graphics to such specialized use-case.

We use Gimp, Krita, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Blender etc to create the graphics for the dashboards. Requires skill and talent (that I do not have). Also, I think its possible to find freelancer/hobbyist artists that can do the graphics for you.

Thanks @realdashdev I found another post in the forum describing how to create the needle graphic, which is what I was looking for i.e. background / scale / orientation. I can easily deal with the graphics was only unsure how to format the needle etc to interact with the background image