GaugeArt Analog to Digital converter into Realdash Gauge

I am trying to connect a simple temperature analog signal through a GaugeArt Analog to Digital converter to CAN protocol, and I have tried looking through the forums with no luck. Im not sure this is the forum I should post this question.

As I understand I need to be able to program for the specific address, byte, and scale from volts to units

URL if Image doesnt appear:

I can see the GaugeArt device is sending messages over the CAN bus, but I am unable to figure out how to map them to a gauge. The image below is the CAN message being sent. I am trying to configure the Analog signals table 1 to a gauge for Temperature. Below the chart I have included the CAN messages I can see. Any help would be most appreciative.

can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BD FF FF 13 5D 13 5E
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BD FF FF 13 5D 13 5C
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C3 FF FF 13 5D 13 5E
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C3 FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B602 [8] 13 63 03 00 00 00 00 0A
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C0 FF FF 13 5E 13 5E
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BB FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BE FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C0 FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C0 FF FF 13 5B 13 5B
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BB FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BD FF FF 13 5B 13 5B
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BD FF FF 13 5D 13 5C
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C3 FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C3 FF FF 13 5D 13 5E
can0 0000B602 [8] 13 63 03 00 00 00 00 0A
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C3 FF FF 13 5D 13 5C
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C0 FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C3 FF FF 13 5D 13 5E
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C3 FF FF 13 5B 13 5B
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C0 FF FF 13 5D 13 5E
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BD FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B BD FF FF 13 5D 13 5E
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C0 FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B601 [8] 00 00 00 00 FF 7F 00 00
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C0 FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B600 [8] 0B C0 FF FF 13 5B 13 5C
can0 0000B602 [8] 13 63 03 00 00 00 00 0A

Have you already created a XML file for the CAN connection? If so, you can link your data into the gauge by the value name (specified in XML) by:

  • In edit mode, select your gauge
  • Tap ‘Input & Values’
  • Use ‘Select Data Source’ button to select your input from ‘ECU Specific’ category.

The odd thing I cannot find the Custom Named Input from my XML File. I have tried both linking to a target ID and creating a custom name. I am using an ODBLink MX+ 33491

Here is my XML File. What am I doing wrong?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RealDashCAN version="2">
   <frame id="0x0000B600" endianess="big">
      <value name="GaugeArt: TransTemp" offset="0" length="2" conversion="V*0.001"></value>
   <!--Trans Oil Temp Custom Name ID-->
   <frame id="0x0000B600" endianess="big">
      <value targetId="138" units="F" offset="0" length="16"></value>
   <!--Trans Oil Temp Standard ID-->

There is one bug in the file:

<value targetId="138" units="F" offset="0" length="16"></value>

The length of 16 is invalid as maximum length of the CAN frame is 8 bytes. Don’t know if that will prevent XML from loading.

As soon as you have imported your XML into the CAN connection and connected once to your device, your custom input with name: GaugeArt: TransTemp will appear into the ECU Specific category of the RealDash inputs.