Gear & Gauges Not Moving

I just downloaded RealDash on my Android tablet. I also then purchased the New Boss On the Block theme.

I have a ODBLink LX scan tool and the dashboard picks up various data, however things like what gear the car is in (mine is a Mustang GT 5.0L automatic) and the speed needle aren’t working. Is this because I’m using the free version and need to upgrade to access all features or is there something else I should be doing? I can’t see why the ODBLink box wouldn’t output what gear it’s in and the speed, when this is shown on the actual car gauges.

OK, I ended up buying the full version and it’s working, however not everything does.

The car I drive is a Mustang 5.0 automatic. When the car is turned on and at rest, the gear shows as ‘N’ which is fine. When you start moving, the gear changes to ‘1’ as expected, however if I use the paddles to shift to the second gear, it still shows as ‘1’, if I select the 3rd gear, the gear shows as ‘2’, if I shift to 4th it shows ‘3’ - this is the same for every gear up to sixth.

This is repeatable every time, so either there is an issue with the reporting from the car of there’s something not quite right with RealDash. Can you advsie.

As gear is a vehicle specific value, not part of SAE standard, with OBD2 connection, Gear is calculated per speed and your vehicle gear ratios:

  • Go to RealDash ‘Settings->Units & Values’ and set Vehicle speed source as ‘ECU Speed Sensor’
  • Go to Garage, open vehicle door and tap gear shifter
  • Enter your vehicle gear ratios. Use 0 on unused gears.
  • Tap vehicle tire and set your vehicle tire size (driving wheel).

how did you decide the question ??