Gear indicator

Hi. Why does the demo recording not show the gear indicator, although it is displayed on the panel when driving? There is a sensor record in the log.

Assuming ‘demo recording’ means log file playback? Have you included the gear indicator into the log file values? Attach your log file and I can take a look.

The record is enabled, I view it through the XLS tables.
I haven’t looked at this log yet, but there was a transfer record in the others.
And yet, when you turn off the ignition, the indicator shows “err”.

The value of ‘err’ probably comes from your custom XML file, when value in enum attribute is out of range.

Attach your log file here, or send it via email as your Google drive is asking for a password.

I found this problem. The Gear is stored in datalog file as text instead of numeric value. Trying to read it on datalog playback causes value to be always parsed as 0. I will try to do something about this.

Another good thing about this test is that your datalog files are quite big (~38Mb). I was able to optimize the log file reading to make it quite a bit faster on large logs.

Thanks. There don’t seem to be any problems with the speed of reading the log, but optimization is always good, I’m waiting.

Fix is now in 1.9.4-beta1.

It worked

There are only P, N, R, D. In manual transmission mode, 1, 2, 3, 4 are not displayed, always D. The log has a numeric and alphabetic entry.

Yes, found it and fixed for next release.