gettin started with real dash

so I’ve been looking into this and really love the idea of the realdash. but how do I get started, I know that’s a very vague question and im gonna get a lot of flack for it, but hey, I gotta start somewhere.

my plan is to run a raspberry pi, since the ne 4 can come with a 7" screen. but where do I go from there??

I really want to go with a hardwired approach since I feel it would cut down on lag time. I was then thinking of just simply running a cable from my obd2 port to a usb, but I don’t feel like it would be “a dash”. I don’t think it would show turn signals, or fuel level or even the odometer (I haven’t tried yet, and who knows it may work everything). then I was thinking of making a pig tail from the lug in the rear of a donor cluster and wiring in a y-dash, but that doesn’t say anything about an odometer wire and defeats the purpose of a hardwired system.

I was looking at MegaSquirt, but def don’t want to run a new ecu, since there is nothing wrong with mine. that would have been an option if I had built the car, but this is my daily. so I looked a MS piggy back, and got completely lost. lol

im not looking to use this as a tuner or do anything special… just a dash.

I know that it should show my speed without anything special since I also have an n-gage and it will show my VSS.

any input without criticism would be cool. and fyi im not a computer genius, but I don’t mind looking for info and trying stuff until it works.

thanks again for any help.

also… im trying to run this on an '06 GTO, LS2 engine

Sorry, I don’t know all your questions, but I can tell you a little.

Firstly, there isn’t a Linux version, so if you want to use a pi, you’ll need to put Android on it. Not a huge deal, but it is a direction you’ll need to take. This in itself might cause you some issues with drivers/communication if things aren’t setup right. (Unless your thinking of using the pi to send the data, but then you wouldn’t need a monitor for it)

The Bluetooth obd connection really isn’t bad, and plenty fast for using as a dashboard. I believe anything conceived as a delay is more about how often the computer is queried, and not about the type of connection. Your cars dash will be getting a dedicated signal from the computer, where obd needs to ask for it every x ms, regardless if it’s Bluetooth or USB.

Now for your non-obd items, you’ll need to look into how to get that data into realdash. They do allow many different methods (and I’ve never done it, so probably wrong), but it seems to me that most seem to be a query/response type of method. You’ll need to look into the manual section on the main page under both customizing OBD2 and realdash can protocol. And then there’s trying to pull data from two different sources, which I have no idea on.

To start, I’d really suggest getting a Bluetooth OBD2 connector and setting it all up on an Android device to see how far you can take it with that before moving on to the drastic customizations. I’m guessing you’ll be able to get 90%+ the way there, and you might decide it’s good enough.

Hard to say where to get started, but if you are not experienced with computers, I would recommend that you first try RealDash on your phone or tablet and connect to your vehicle using Bluetooth OBD2 adapter. After you get more familiar with the system, you can try to install Android on Rasperry Pi and run RD from there.

As for editing new dashboard, that can be complicated at first. Check couple of tutorial videos we have, they may be helpful for that.

I would recomend you to keep it simple.
But it will mostly depend on what PID’s are being sent over your OBDII port, in my case and because my car isn’t properly new (2001 Renault Laguna), I just get basic info available.

You don’t need a great setup to make it run smoth and with unnoticeble LAG!
Probably the most important hardware you should get is the conector for your OBDII port, both wired and wireless options are great, and in the wireless options just get a good conector. A 25 to 30 $ one should do the job almost lag free! I’ve tried both options and did get he same result!
Also I am runing a cheap tablet (dualcore wiith 1.5Gigs of RAM and didn’t feel any noticeble diiference when using my mi9 phone (only the resolution was better obviously).

The wired option might be a dangerous option since you will have unnecessary cables that probably (since you are not a pro) could potencialy be hazardous for you and your car :slight_smile:

When I started with realdash, I did a couple of dashes with all available PID’s, i can share those if you want to know what is being sent and what is not :slight_smile:


Hi, I am also getting started and using the default dashboard. Some parameters are working like Turn signal is not blinking, Reverse gear is not showing, etc.

I have gone through few discussions and found that you need to make changes to OBD2.xml to and refer it to certain PIDs and so on. I don’t want screw up things.

I currently have the default xml which comes with the default dashboard on which I have include some global triggers and actions.

Can I use the same xml to include PIDs for turn signal, Tyre Pressure Monitring, etc?

The TPMS is updating on Realdash. How to get this to work?

Pls share your dashes as well for reference.

Any guidance will help.

Does seem to be a common these, hard getting started.

I have the want to, to this,
the CAN adapter , a KHDAS VIM3 sac, arruines, raspberry pi,

and still I see no way to get started.

I do not see how, admin or someone please send link to the how to get started

the Boss on the block is a good starting point, how to connect everything and get it working???
First in simulation mode on the computer, then I put the can adapter and get turn signals everything

As we work in close co-operation with many hardware providers, we have decided that we will not recommend or endorse any hardware over another. Its better that we stay in our own zone and concentrate into RealDash software. That is the reason we do not give any official hardware recommendations or instructions on hardware setup (that and the fact that we just know the software side better).

I have Arduino, Khadas, Raspberry, al l sorts of hardware.

Hardware is not the issue - getting started with a good tutorial is the issue.

Display connects via HDMI

My recommendation to get started is to choose how you want to connect to your vehicle and test if you can receive the data. Do these first tests on phone or tablet to keep things simple. When you get the data from your vehicle, you can start to set up your hardware etc.