GPS Heading Manipulation

Having selected the GPS Heading input which reports in degrees, is there a way of manipulating these values into bandings to give a compass N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW value

Please ignore discovered ‘Heading as text’ under OTHER category

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Hi, I did this and the app is now foreclosing. Any way out? Clear cache is not helping. Clear storage will be like a new install? Did you face this issue?
@realdashdev Are you releasing an update today? Will try with that. What happens if I clear storage (data & cache)? I have a backup from a week ago but a did a lot of customisation after that.

You crashed the app by selecting this GPS input, which is coming from the device itself? I had no such problems, are you using other GPS features already and have enabled GPS access?

I chose GPS heading input and in next step chose Heading as Text and saw it reflecting in Inputs and values settings. But when it tried to restart after saving it started crashing. I have enabled GPS to heading in Map Special as well.

I did a quick test and did not experience crash when using ‘Heading as text’ input on text gauge.

Oh, I did not set up any text gauge. I only created an input mapping in settings as stated above. Is that wrong? That’s when it crashed. Could you please check?

Yes, that definitely causes a recursion on input mapping. Will fix.

Thanks. Hope it will come in this week’s update. Shall I wait?

Send me an email to and I will link you with pre-release to get back on track.

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Thanks Jani, I am back on track without losing any data. So now I have ‘Heading as text’ input on text gauge as well as part of Inputs & Values, but I don’t see any compass direction (like NE or SE) when I choose a navigation route. Will this show only when I drive?

Not exactly sure what you mean, but ‘Heading as text’ should show regardless of the navigation being active.

As explained by @mmain above I set up the input mapping under units & value in settings. As explained by you, I chose a text gauge and assigned the data source as “Heading as text”, but I am not getting any compass view like NE/SE, etc on that text gauge. Where am I going wrong?

Hi @kelly I only set up as a text gauge, I did not configure anything under Input Mapping. It does require a GPS signal though; I park in an enclosed car park so it only becomes visible when a GPS signal is secured

Hey thanks @mmain. I removed the input mapping and it is showing now as “N” only. Will it change only while driving? I have set up map to show “Rotate to Heading”.