GPS speed not working properly on VIM3

Hi all,

So i’ve been using Realdash successfully with a Raspberry pi4 but the lack of a sleep/standby mode forced me to look elseware. So i settled on a Khadas VIM3 knowing mow that it supports usb GPS now. I’ve got it wirerd into car and all is ok apart from GPS speed. In the dash it flickers the speed very randomly for a split second then goes back to zero. On navigation map as i move it moves where i’m going but jumps from point to point. Realdash has full permissions and vehicle speed source is set to GPS speed. Using a speed app from google play store speed shows ok. If i use GPS tether app from phone to VIM3 speed shows properly on Realdash. I’ve gone through most setting to see if i can get it to work but not having much luck.
I read others on the forum use VIM3’s also, do you have the same problem? know how to overcome the problem i’m having?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I’m no expert. I do know there are two places in settings you need checked. One in Inputs and one in I believe User. GL.

What OS are you running on vim3

Perhaps you have a conflict of two speeds, one of which is GPS SPEED, and the other is some other. Check the input values ​​to see if there is a speed associated with any input. if so, then remove the extra input for speed …


Thanks for replys.
In “input and values” for speed the data source is set to “vehicle speed” and under “units and values” in settings on the user GL "vehicle speed source " is set to GPS speed.
As regards to the OS on the VIM3, i’m using the latest Android pie 9 version from the Khadas website.

Everything looks ok.
Bit of a development last night. I downloaded GPS connector from the app store and its able to take data recieved from GPS module and through develper mode with mock GPS enabled lets Realdash display speed now.
Its not ideal as i have to lanch GPS connector before realdash which defeats been able to just jump in car turn key and realdash popup but it works none the less.
I would still like to get GPS speed working with out the “middle man” so any more suggestion would still be greatly appreciated.




I did something different, i am using arduino nano + Ublox NEO-6m - GPS. connect it to my single board computer , then open Realdash application , go to garage, => open the car door, => press on the cluster, => press ADD, go down till you see External GPS module,=> start to configure it based on your connection. that is all.

I hope it works with you.


Thanks for you’re surggestion I have tried the above before but unfortunately even though realdash sees my usb GPS module as U-BLOX6 receiver it will not connect to it at any baud rate. strange thing is that i can connect to it if using realdash and same GPS module on my laptop.



Hi Marc,

I think it is a baud rate issue try again brother , it works fine with me ( Thanks to GOD :smile:).


Hi Tarekastra,

unfortunately after the laborious task of checking each baud rate it still won’t connect.
Thanks anyway.



I use GPS set to 10 Hz on the Khadas Vim 3 successfully:

The model I used is this:

I did eventually get it working not with the ublox6 but with a different gps module
Thanks for posting.


Glad to hear that :+1:t3: