Help! arduino project

Hi all! I’m doing a project on arduino mega, I have a shield for arduino in which the rpm and speed are transferred to digital pins 2 and 3, how can I specify in the xml file and in the sketch so that realdash can see these values?

Am I writing correctly?


In xml:

      <frame id="3200">
      <!-- 1st CAN frame, RPM, SPD, CLT, TPS -->
      <value targetId="37" units="RPM" offset="0" length="2"></value>
      <value targetId="81" units="km/h" offset="2" length="2"></value>
      <frame id="3202">
      <value name="Arduino Example: Digital 2" offset="0" length="2"></value>
      <value name="Arduino Example: Digital 3" offset="2" length="2"></value>

In arduino sketch:

unsigned int digitalPins = 0;
int analogPins[7] = {0};

unsigned int rpm = 0;
unsigned int km/h = 0;

void loop()

  if (rpm++ > 10000)
    rpm = 500;
  if (km/h++ > 2500)
    km/h = 0;


void ReadDigitalStatuses()
  // read status of digital pins (1-53)
  digitalPins = 0;

  int bitposition = 0;
  for (int i=1; i<53; i++)
    if (digitalRead(i) == HIGH) digitalPins |= (1 << bitposition);

void SendCANFramesToSerial()
  byte buf[8];

  memcpy(buf, &rpm, 2);
  memcpy(buf + 2, &km/h, 2);

i have connection like this, help with a sketch

You first need to make code that reads RPM from pulses.
instead of :

if (rpm++ > 10000)
rpm = 500;